

报告题目:Mesoscopic analysis of drying shrinkage related cracking in cement-based materials

报  告 人: 贾赟 教授






Drying shrinkage induced cracking is an essential mechanism to be considered in the durability study of cement-based materials and structures. To evaluate cracks induced by the drying shrinkage, a series of concrete samples with artificial inclusions of different rigidities are subjected to different levels of drying and then examined by using the non-destructive X-ray micro-tomography imaging method. Three-dimensional (3D) distributions of induced cracks in the dried samples are identified, including their location and shape. It is found that the shrinkage-induced cracking is strongly enhanced by the stiffness difference between the inclusion and cement paste as well as the size of inclusion. Based on the peridynamics theory, a numerical method is proposed for the description of cracking process induced by drying shrinkage and temperature change in concrete composites containing different types of inclusions. The emphasis is put on the effects of inclusion stiffness and size on cracking patterns.


贾赟,法国里尔大学副教授,法国教育部土木工程和力学专业委员会委员,里尔大学土木工程学科负责人。主要研究领域为岩石和混凝土材料的温度–渗流–应力–化学(THMC)多场耦合问题及其在地下结构中的应用,提出的一系列宏细观本构模型和开发了多场耦合分析的数值计算程序,应用于多项欧盟科技项目,国家自然科学基金,道达尔石油公司科研项目和法国核废料管理局科研项目等. 国际高水平杂志上发表其中SCI 论文50篇 (J Mech Phys Solids,Int. J. Rock Mech. Mi和Comput. Geotech等)。曾获法国高等教育和研究部颁发的“优秀科研工作者奖”和“优秀导师和科研工作者奖”。

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