转发:Overseas China Forum: “Belt & Road” Program and Opportunities of International Students in China 海外中国论坛:“一带一路”项目和来华留学生的机遇 暨河海大学留学生水韵学术论坛(第一期)




“一带一路”来华博士留学生论坛(The forum for doctoral students in China from Belt & Road countries) 是第十一届国际项目管理协会研究大会暨第九届世界水谷论坛 (11th IPMA Research Conference and 9th World Water) 的分论坛之一,将于2023423日,11:00am - 12:30am在南京景枫万豪酒店(中国江苏省南京市江宁区双龙大道1519号召开,将有江苏省内各高校约30名来华留学生参会。对参会来华留学生免注册费用,提供参会证明,提供自助午餐,交通和住宿费自理。本论坛将推选3位来华博士留学生做学术报告,报告时间约15分钟。




l  英文报告题目

l  英文作者信息(姓名、学校、学位、专业、国籍、出生年月、主要研究领域、联系方式)

l  英文内容提要(限200~500字)、关键词(限3~5个)








Overseas China Forum: “Belt & Road” Program and Opportunities of International Students in China

The First Water Harmony Academic Forum for International Students of Hohai University


The forum for international doctor students in China from Belt & Road countries, one of the sub-forums of the 11th IPMA Research Conference and 9th World Water, will be held at Nanjing Jingfeng Marriott Hotel (No.1519, Shuanglong Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China ) from 11:00am-12:30am on April 23, 2023. There will be about 30 international students from universities in Jiangsu Province attending the conference. International students attending the conference are exempt from registration fee, and we will provide proof of attendance and lunch buffet, excluding the transportation and accommodation fees. 3 doctoral students will be selected to give academic presentations, which will last about 15 minutes.

I. Requirements for Forum report

The topics of the report include but are not limited to: opportunities and challenges of project management in the Belt & Road countries

Requirements for the title, author’s information, and content summary:

• Report title in English

• Author’s information in English (name, school, academic degree, major, nationality, date of birth, major field of study, contact information)

• English content summary (200 to 500 words), keywords (3 to 5 words)

* Note: the doctoral students selected will submit the PPT before April 15, 2023.

II. Important Time Point and Submission Method

(I) Deadline for submission: April 5, 2023

(2) Contact person: Mr. Jin; Phone number: 86-25-68514732; E-mail: cjin@hhu.edu

III. Contact information and attendance receipt

Please fill out the registration form and send it to qiuchong@hhu.edu.cn before April 5, 2023. Phone number: 86-25-68514309; Contact person: Mr. Qiu.


The forum for international doctor students in China from Belt & Road countries, one of the sub-forums of the 11th IPMA Research Conference and 9th World Water, will be held at Nanjing Jingfeng Marriott Hotel (No.1519, Shuanglong Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China ) from 11:00am-12:30am on April 23, 2023. There will be about 30 international students from universities in Jiangsu Province attending the conference. International students attending the conference are exempt from registration fee, and we will provide proof of attendance and lunch buffet, excluding the transportation and accommodation fees. 3 doctoral students will be selected to give academic presentations, which will last about 15 minutes.

I. Requirements for Forum report

The topics of the report include but are not limited to: opportunities and challenges of project management in the Belt & Road countries

Requirements for the title, author’s information, and content summary:

• Report title in English

• Author’s information in English (name, school, academic degree, major, nationality, date of birth, major field of study, contact information)

• English content summary (200 to 500 words), keywords (3 to 5 words)

* Note: the doctoral students selected will submit the PPT before April 15, 2023.

II. Important Time Point and Submission Method

(I) Deadline for submission: April 5, 2023

(2) Contact person: Mr. Jin; Phone number: 86-25-68514732; E-mail: cjin@hhu.edu

III. Contact information and attendance receipt

Please fill out the registration form and send it to qiuchong@hhu.edu.cn before April 5, 2023. Phone number: 86-25-68514309; Contact person: Mr. Qiu.



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