自助打印机服务指南 Guidelines on Using Self-service Printer


1. 自助服务机打印证明种类

The types of documents printed by the self-service printer

(1) 学籍证明(含授课语言) Education Certificate (including the medium of teaching language)

(2) 离校通知单 Clearance Form

(3) 无犯罪记录证明 Non-Criminal Record

(4) 中文成绩单Transcript in Chinese

(5) 英文成绩单Transcript in English


The above documents limit the number of printouts 5copies per year, which cannot be made up when used up. Please make a reasonable arrangement and print them on the self-service printer. International School no longer provides such certificates.


2. 自助打印服务设备三校区放置地点

The locations of the self-service printer are as follows




Xikang Road Campus: Hall of Hohai Building, Hall of Wentian Building, 2nd floor of Student City Restaurant

Jiangning Campus: 2nd floor of the Administration Building, South hall of Library, Hall of Zhiyong Building

Changzhou Campus: Zhizheng Building, Yingcai Building, Zhuoyue Building



3. 自助打印服务时间

Time for the service offered by the self-service printer


From 7 am to 10 pm every day.


4. 请在打印前仔细核对数据信息。如果数据有误,请联系国际教育学院。

Please check the data carefully before printing. If the data are incorrect, please contact International School.


If any problem, please call 025-83787582 or follow the WeChat account of the network information office of HHU (河海大学网信办)

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