Notice on the Course Arrangement for Undergraduates (2021 Spring Semester)






2. “河海大学课堂在线平台”包含电脑端(网址:和手机端(学习通APP)两部分,可同步使用,请按要求完成课程的线上学习与考核(该平台使用手册见附件5)。





Notice on the Course Arrangement for Undergraduates (2021 Spring Semester)

Dear Undergraduate Students:

According to the epidemic prevention and control measures of the government and the unified arrangement of the university, the international students of intake 2017, 2018 and 2019 should log on the teaching administration system “URP综合教务系统” of Hohai University to check the course schedule, and contact your colleges to ensure that you receive online guidance and task assignment from the course teachers (see attachment 1 for contact information of college secretary for bachelors).For the students of intake 2020, the online courses will be continually implemented through the Online Platform of Hohai University in 2021 spring semester. The course arrangement is as follows.

1.The course will be taught for 19 weeks from March 1, 2021 to August 29, 2021. The undergraduate course will start from the first week (March 1st). See Attachment 2 for the school calendar, Attachment 3 for the course arrangement, and Attachment 4 for the classes.

2. The Online Platform of Hohai University  contains PC ( and mobile terminal (xuxitong APP), which can be synchronized, please complete the course online learning and examination as required. (see appendix 5 for user manuals)

3. Please check the class schedule in teaching administration system “URP综合教务系统”, and join the relevant class group as soon as possible. (see instructions).

4. Online course learning requirements are as follows: Please complete the online course learning according to the requirements of the teacher. At the same time, please ensure that during the class time, the teacher will ask questions, answer questions and assign homework in the group. Only by completing the required coursework and passing the examination can credits be obtained. If you do not participate in the online learning, do not submit the course assignments as required or pass the course assessment, you will not receive credit for the course.


International School of Hohai University

February 27, 2021


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