Notice on the Student ID Card Make-up for International Students of Hohai University




1. 填写河海大学留学生补办学生证/研究生证申请表,写明补办原因:



2. 提交一张1寸证件照,背面写清学号和中文名。

3. 每月20日前接受申请;超过20日的申请将于下月办理。

4. 每年1月、2月、7月、8月不接受申请。

5. 每月20日前的申请,需本人凭有效证件于次月第一周到国际教育学院领取。






Notice on the Student ID Card Make-up for International Students of Hohai University


1. Fill in the “Application Form of Student ID Card Make-up for International Students of Hohai University”, indicate the reasons of card make-up.

(1) If the original card is damaged, please submit the original one with the application form.

(2) If the original card is lost, please attach a certificate of loss or a commitment.

2. Submit one 1-inch photo with the student ID number and Chinese name clearly written on the back.

3. The application should be submitted before 20th of each month, the applications after 20th will be dealt with the next month.

4. Applications are not accepted in January, February, July and August of each year.

5. Collect the new card in the first week of the next month at International School on his/her own with passport, if the application was submitted before 20th of each month.


Attachment: Application Form of Student ID Card Make-up for International Students of Hohai University



International School

May 10, 2019



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