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Notice on Undergraduate Courses Arrangement for International Students of 2023 (Autumn Semester)







3.所有2023级本科留学生一年级课程已置入教务系统,无需选课,请根据班级号在教务系统查看课表, 课序号“200”的课程为留学生单独开班课程。从二年级起,所有留学本科生与中国学生同堂上课,请联系各学院,由专业学院安排学习。

秋季学期2023级留学本科生课程开设清单见附件1; 2023级留学本科生班级号见附件2;秋季学期校历见附件3;各学院本科生教学秘书联系方式见附件4;查看课表及期末成绩查询请登陆教务系统,网址如下:

河海大学本科生选课指南见: https://ie.hhu.edu.cn/2022/0914/c14701a240628/page.htm










Notice on Undergraduate Courses Arrangement for International Students of 2023 (Autumn Semester)

Dear New Undergraduate Students of 2023:

According to the Chinese government's requirements and relevant university regulations, all online courses will be suspended from the autumn semester of 2023. The teaching plan of 2023 undergraduate study is announced as follows:

1. The courses of international undergraduate program of 2023 will start from week 5 (September 25).

2. All first-year Courses for undergraduate Students of 2023 are offered at the Jiangning campus.

3. All first-year courses for undergraduate Students of 2023 have been set in the online system, and there is no need to select courses. Please check the course schedule in the online system according to your class number. The course number 200 is a separate course for international students. From the second year onwards, all undergraduate students go to the same classes with Chinese students. From Year 2 onwards, please contact your college for course arrangement.

See Attachment 1 for the course list for undergraduate Students of 2023, Attachment 2 for Class number of 2023 undergraduate students, Attachment 3 for the Academic Calendar and Attachment 4 for the contact of college teaching secretary for undergraduate students.To check the course schedule and final grades, please log in the online system, the website is as follows:

The handbook is: https://ie.hhu.edu.cn/2022/0914/c14701a240628/page.htm

 4. If you do not attend the class teaching for no reason, do not submit the course assignments as required or pass the course within the prescribed time, you will not be able to obtain the credits of the course.


1)    The course list for undergraduate Students of 2023

2)    Class number of 2023 undergraduate students

3) 2023-24-1 Academic Calendar

4) The contact of college teaching secretary for undergraduate students

International School of Hohai University

September 19, 2022

1.秋季学期2023级留学本科生课程开设清单Course list of Undergraduates of 2023 (Autumn).xlsx


3.2023-24-1 秋季学期校历 Calendar.xlsx

4.本科教学秘书联系方式Contact of College Teaching Secretary for Undergraduate.xlsx