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转发:数学与数据科学应用研究所系列报告:Attractors for semigroups with multi-dimensional time and PDEs in unbounded domains


Attractors for semigroups with multi-dimensional time and PDEs in unbounded domains

报告人:Sergey Zelik教授,英国萨里大学

报告题目:Attractors for semigroups with multi-dimensional time and PDEs in unbounded domains

报告时间2023.4.24  (周一),8:55-9:35  地点:励学楼B219



We develop the attractors theory for the semigroups with multidimensional time belonging to some closed cone in an Euclidean space and apply the obtained general results to partial differential equations (PDEs) in unbounded domains. The main attention is payed to elliptic boundary problems in general unbounded domains. In contrast to the previous works in this direction our theory does not require the underlying domain to be cylindrical  or cone-like or to be shift semi-invariant with respect to some direction. In particular, the theory is applicable to the exterior domains.


Sergey Zelik: 英国萨里大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事无穷维动力系统和偏微分方程的研究。1989-1994进入莫斯科大学数学与物理学院学习;1994-1998在莫斯科国立大学攻读博士,师从Mark Vishik 教授,于1998年获得数学博士学位,2004年获得数学物理科学博士学位(Habilitation)2003-2005在德国Stuttgart大学作洪堡学者,2015年晋升为教授。多篇论文发表在Comm. Pure Appl. Math.,Mem. Amer. Math. Soc.,Physical Review Letters,Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.,Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.等国际重要学术期刊上。