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Notice on Online Semester Registration for International Students, 2021 Autumn Semester







一、 电子学期注册流程



1. 2021829日前,留学生提交注册申请;

2. 202191日前,学院(含导师)审核申请;

3. 202196日前,国际教育学院办理注册申请。


1. 如因各种原因无法参与本学期学习和/或科研的学生,可在注册时选择“休学”,并注明休学起止时间,其中休学开始时间应选择2021-9-1,休学截止时间可选择2022-2-282022-8-31。休学手续可待返校后办理。

2. 处于休学状态的学生如需申请复学,可在注册时选择“在籍”,并填写复学申请表


3. 休学期间的管理责任由学生本人及其家属负责。学校为其保留学籍,但不得参加课程学习和考核,不享受在校生待遇。留学生在校学习时间和休学时间(含其他保留学籍时间)累计不得超过最长学习年限。

四、 其他事项

1. 外国留学生须按时按要求提交学期注册申请,保证提交信息的真实性、准确性。

2. 提交注册申请后,请及时联系导师和学院审核申请。

3. 注册成功的学生即视为我校在籍学生。

4. 未注册成功或未按时注册的学生按照《河海大学外国留学生学籍管理办法》相关条款处理。












Notice on Online Semester Registration for International Students, 2021 AutumnSemester


Dear International Students,

Hohai University will continue to carry out online semester registration for international students in the autumn semester of 2021. The new students of 2021 intake will carry out online semester registration in mid-September and the requirements and arrangements will be announced later.

A. Procedure of Online Registration

International students log into the Online Semester Registration platform of Hohai Information Portal (http://myhall.hhu.edu.cn/taskcenter/, check and fill in the basic information, report the current study status and submit registration application. For undergraduates, the teaching secretary of the college will review the application and submit it to the International School. For masters and doctors, the application shall get approved by supervisors first, then the graduate teaching secretary of the college will review and submit to the International School. Registration results will be fed back to applicants via the online platform.

B. Time for Online Registration

1. Before August 29, 2021, international students submit application.

2. Before September 1, 2021, colleges (including supervisors) review the application.

3. Before September 6, 2021, International School deal with registration application.

C. Notes on Suspension and Resumption

1. International students who are unable to participate in the study and/or scientific research of this semester due to certain reasons can choose Suspension in the registration platform. The start time of suspension should be 2021-9-1, and the end time of suspension can be 2022-2-28 or 2022-8-31. The suspension procedures can be handled after returning to school.

2. If students who are suspended but need to apply for resumption, please select registered while registration and fill in the resumption application form

(https://ie.hhu.edu.cn/2019/0120/c14699a220753/page.htm), send the filled form to Academic Office (ie_academic@hhu.edu.cn). The results of resumption application will be fed back to the applicant via email.

D. Other Issues

1. International students shall submit semester registration application on time and as required and shall make sure of the authenticity and accuracy of the information submitted.

2. International students shall contact their supervisors and colleges to review application right after submitting it.

3. International students who register successfully are regarded as registered students of HHU.

4. International students who fail to register or have overdue registration shall be dealt with as per the relevant provisions in the Regulations onEducation Registration Management of International Students of HohaiUniversity.

User Manuals of Online Semester Registration, Hohai University


Problem in using of the semester registration platform



International School

August 25, 2021