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序号课程负责人专题名称Course Name推荐学院
1张珂中国水资源:现状与科学治水Water Resources of China: Status and Governance水文院
2毛劲乔中国水利水电工程与大国重器The Development of Hydraulic Engineering, the Pillars of the Great Power in China水电院
3张继生中国人与海岸工程The Chinese and Coastal Engineering港航院
4李一平流域水环境综合治理与生态修复Comprehensive Management and Ecological Restoration of Watershed Water Environment环境院
5黄德春“一带一路”与水环境利益共同体The Belt and Road Initiative and a Community of Shared Interests in Water Environment商学院
6朱晓兰大运河与中华文明The Grand Canal and the Chinese Civilization公管院