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Archival Files of Defense for Graduate Student


Dear International Students,

You may download the following translation files as a reference, please go to the secretary of your college to take the related Chinese version files.

Thanks for your understanding!


International School




directory of archival files-业务档案卷内目录.doc

information table of archival files-业务档案情况表.doc

dissertation cover-论文封面.doc

defense and degree application form-(personnel archives)-论文答辩及学位申请书(人事档案专用).doc

defense and degree application form-论文答辩及学位申请书.doc

meeting mins of defense and resoluation(personnel archives) -答辩委员会决议书(人事档案专用).doc

meeting mins of defense and resolution-答辩委员会决议书.doc

modification information-学位论文修改情况说明.doc

Review Book论文评阅书.doc



The study schedule and Opening Report of PhD degree thesis河海大学博士开题报告书.docx


Defense and Degree Application Form (PhD)博士论文答辩及学位申请书.docx