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The Hohai Research Forum was established in 2010 by some PhD students to help in key research problems and find solutions to them. This platform also has been used for self-teaching such research tools as Matlab, ArcGIS, Mendeley, and even Microsoft Office. Additionally, the Research Forum gave graduating students the opportunity to present their thesis before the final presentation with their professors. They criticized and gave suggestions, all in the light of achieving academic excellence. With the passage of time, most of these PhD students graduated and the Research Forum gradually became in effective.




Few months ago, the Hohai Christian Cell Group, as one of its objective is to improve academic excellence among its members, decided to revamp the Research Forum. In view of this, an adhoccommittee was created to organize the first meeting. It must be noted that this committee consisted of students from different religious background, nationality and race. The International School was very impressed about this idea and gave them
unfeigned and unwavering support. Students had our first meeting on the 27th November, 2014. It was the biggest gathering of international students ever in the school’s history. More than a hundred students from all colleges participated and share their ideas and knowledge. Two presentations were delivered that day; “Preparing for research in Hohai University (a student’s perspective)” by Mark Amo- Boateng and “Effect of Burial Depth on the Dynamic Response of Tunnels under the Blast Loading” by Mahdi Shadab Far. The event lasted for two hours. It is planned to meet three times in a semester and may have intermittent meetings depending on the need. The next meeting should be in the second week of January, 2015. The exact date will be communicated as soon as possible. In the subsequent meetings, it is planned to invite experts from some academic disciplines to give presentations on their works and also boost the motivation of students.