The GWP Toolbox Workshop for University Water Education was held at Hohai University from September 22 to 23. Dr. GUAN Yiqing, deputy director of College of International Education, presided over the workshop. 40 people attended the event, including professors from Tsinghua University, Wuhan University, Dalian University of Technology, Chang’an University, Yangzhou University, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Xi’an University of Technology, Changsha University of Science & Technology and Zhejiang University of Water Resources and Electric Power, as well as some students of Hohai University.
Representing GWP were Senior Knowledge Management Officer Dr. Danka Thalmeinerova, Knowledge Management Officer Kenge James Gunya and Senior Network Officer Angela Klauschen, along with some officers of GWP China
The participants were introduced to GWP China’s activities and Dr. Thalmeinerova presented the knowledge management in GWP and the evolution of the IWRM ToolBox. Presentations related to water education, including the IWRM concept, and application experiences in Chinese universities were delivered by the invited professors.
During the free discussion session, the invited professors introduced that the education and training on IWRM are not sufficient in China’s universities, although some universities have developed some related courses. They expressed a wish for more IWRM cases studies in the Chinese universities. This workshop was the beginning of an IWRM promotion effort in the universities’ water education. Hohai University already applied the GWP toolbox to our students.
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